Children’s Ski Course for Snow Elves in Lermoos
Bambini Skiing is our all-year programme dedicated to young winter sports enthusiasts aged 3 and older. It was never easier to carve your very first tracks into the snow!
Our Bambini Skiing programme is aimed at promoting a curiosity and desire for skiing among the little winter sports enthusiasts of the future. We therefore focus on the joy of skiing and the thrill of being active in the great outdoors. The minis are taught the newest skiing techniques in a playful manner and are afforded an opportunity to let off steam in the snow.
Playful Lessons at Bambini Skiing
The little slope elves adore the snow. These particular courses, suitable for children aged between 3 and 4, are half-day sessions. While parents enjoy the more challenging descents, the team at Ski School Snowpower Lermoos takes care of their children’s individual needs. Depending on age and skill level, the kids learn how to master their first turns or improve existing abilities.
Children’s Ski School Snowpower - Skiing Made Easy
The meeting point for the Bambini Skiing programme is the Snowpower Lermoos centre in Oberdorf. From here, the little ones can embark on their daily adventures in the snow from as early as 9.45am. The kids learn how to navigate the “white carpet” very quickly; and rapid success soon has them begging for more. They’ll be so eager to hop right back onto that “magic carpet” that transports them to the top of our child-friendly practice slope. In small groups of up to six, the little ones will surely discover their love for winter sports.
Kids aged between 3 and 4 can gain their first skiing experiences as one of the snow elves at Ski School Snowpower. We are looking forward to your inquiry!
In Moosles Kinderland wird jeder Tag aufs Neue zum spielerischen Erlebnis!
Durch ein abwechslungsreiches Programm mit Skifahren, Spielen und viel Animation werden auch Ihre Kinder bald von den ersten Versuchen auf Skiern begeistert sein. Ihre Sprösslinge werden spielerisch mit viel Spaß und Freude mit dem weißen Sport vertraut gemacht. Ein abwechslungsreiches Programm mit Zauberteppich, Wellenbahn und lustigen Figuren begleitet Ihre Kinder durch den Skikurstag.
Bambini Ski, 6 Tage die Woche *** Kein Skipass notwendig *** Kurse und Einstieg 6 Tage die Woche Sonntag bis Freitag.
Bambini 3+4 Jahre
babini 3+4 years *** bambini 3+4 jaar
Kurs 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr *** lesson 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m *** Cursus 10.00 tot 12.00 uur | Price |
2 Hours | starting at 55,00 € |
Schnuppertag Kinder 4-6 Jahre keine Skierfahrung
Trial day for children 4-6 years no skiing experience *** Proefdag voor kinderen van 4-6 jaar zonder skiervaring
Zeit 10:00 - 12:00 & 13:45 - 15:45 Uhr *** time 10:00 - 12:00 am & 1:45 - 03:45 pm *** Tijd 10.00 - 12.00 uur en 13.45 - 15.45 uur | Price |
1 Day | starting at 55,00 € |